Technology Destined to Push Healthcare Forward
Apr 13, 2020 || by Patricia O. UrquiagaThis past year, over 350 brands attended the “Future Healthcare” annual event in London. The event is known for showcasing the latest innovation (new or…read more
3 Patient Experience Technologies To Look For in 2020
Dec 16, 2019 || by Patricia O. UrquiagaHistorically, the healthcare industry has been slow to adopt technology. However, looking back at 2019 technology advancement was a huge trend. With the digital health market…read more
3 Important Things to Consider About EHR Systems
Aug 11, 2019 || by Brigette FloresSince the HITECH Act passed in 2009, electronic health records (EHRs) have been implemented across the country, quickly becoming the rule rather the exception. The…read more
Reduce Patient No-Shows with Medical Scheduling Software
Jun 28, 2017 || by Brigette FloresPatient no-shows is a major problem that costs the medical industry millions of dollars every year in the U.S. alone. Not only does it cost…read more
New Media and Healthcare: 3 Ways Your Patients are Using Technology
May 08, 2017 || by Brigette FloresFor some it may hard to believe, but more than half the patients who access healthcare - and millennials in particular - use some form of technology in their…read more
Real Virtuosity: 5 Advancements in Medical Technology
Dec 12, 2016 || by Brigette FloresElectronic health records, rounding software, and cloud-based referral systems are all the rage in today’s healthcare industry. In terms of efficiency and cost, technology has taken a…read more