It’s Summertime! Yes, We Have to Wear Masks

It’s summertime!
But, this summer will be unlike any others.
With the recent spike in COVID numbers, it’s now more important than ever to fight the war against COVID-19 by wearing a mask and maintaining 6 feet of social distancing from others.
Summertime always involves nice hot, humid and sweaty weather – with a little spark of rain. To make the best of your “masks”, here are 5 strategies to keep you cool during the summer while fighting the war against COVID-19:
- If it’s too hot, stay home: During the summer, most of the day is hot. If this is the case, stay home or try going out during the times its less hot (i.e. early morning or early evening). If you suffer from lung disease, chronic respiratory illness, allergies or COPD, be aware of your breathing – if it gets worse in the heat, stay home.
- Thinner Mask: Immediately after the COVID-19 outbreak, several companies started producing all kinds of masks (two-three-layer masks etc.) During the summer it is recommended that you use light colored cloth masks (two-layer) with a filter – this would allow you to stay cool and safe.
- Loosen your Mask: If you’re not around too many people, its ok to loosen your mask to create more space between your face and mask. When doing this, make sure your nose and mouth are still covered. And, when it’s time to be around crowds again tighten that mask.
- Have Extra Masks Handy: During the summer your mask might get sweaty, heavy and uncomfortable – making it hard to breathe. Make sure to have 1-2 extra masks on hand if you plan to be outside for long.
- Take It Off: If you are struggling to breath, feel lightheaded, your heart is beating too fast or you’re sweating too much, find a cool place to sit down and take your mask off (while social distancing). Drink some water and relax. If within a few minutes you feel the same or worst, call 911.
Having to wear a mask is not what we expected this year, especially during the summer.
But, with the current COVID-19 situation, we need to be responsible and wear our masks to protect us and others – even if this means during the summer.