How Temporary Medical Staff Benefits Everyone
The healthcare industry has always turned to temporary medical staff for the traditional reasons. A member of a medical practice may require a leave of absence or a practitioner is needed to fill the gap between permanent hires. But as the use of locums tenens practitioners and other independent contractors increases, new benefits are coming into focus.
Temporary Medical Staff Make for a Healthy Practice
Even before the advent of Covid 19, burnout rates among medical practitioners was sky-rocketing. In March of this year, an article published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggested that one in five physicians is on the verge of leaving practice due to problems like depression, anxiety and even PTSD. Hiring temporary medical staff offers those practitioners room to breathe when the demands of the environment are most likely to overwhelm them.
Patient Choice and Patient Retention
With inflation making it more difficult for private practices and medical groups to stay afloat, adding a permanent hire may not be in the cards. But practices wanting to expand their offerings still have that option available. A locum tenens specialist can be hired to serve patients for a set period of time, on a specific day of the week or simply when the need arises. That means that medical practices and hospitals can keep patients in-house, offering convenience while building loyalty.
Their Own Boss
Temporary medical staff are essentially independent contractors. That means that they supply their own benefits and are responsible for paying their own taxes, the details of which strain practices and hospitals when they choose permanent hires. They are also easily hired through an agency – which saves the time and resources expended for vetting candidates and entering into lengthy negotiations. And a relationship with a good medical staffing agency means you’ll have an ace in the hole when it’s time to hire for other positions.
Temporary medical staff is good for everyone. Practitioners remain longer in their positions; patients remain in the network and benefit from a wider range of choices. Best of all, MASC Medical can take the lead in recruiting the best temporary medical staff for your needs. Get in touch today to start building a successful relationship – for everyone.