Is A “Transition Program” Right For Your Organization?
Do employees tend to leave managers vs. companies? When and how should an employer take action on an employee’s performance issue?
These are questions that may be difficult for you, as an employer to answer. The overall goal of a transition program is to allow employers to have an “open dialogue” with employees – improving engagement, retention, and the companies overall culture.
Is a “transition program” right for your organization? Take our quiz to find out!
Question 1:
What industry is your organization in?
Question 2:
How many employees does your organization have?
Question 3:
Describe your organizational culture:
Question 4:
Does your organization have:
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Developing A Transition Program
Will Be Beneficial To Your Organization
Here are some tips to developing a successful transition program:
- Launch Your Transition Program – It’s important for employers to discuss how you expect employees to depart from your company. This should be addressed during the hiring process, recruiting, or even during an onboarding session. Setting expectations from the beginning demonstrates your company is transparent and it also shows employees that you have a well-thought-out exit strategy in place.
- Establish “On-Going” Dialogue with Employees – Research shows that employees who are not happy or engaged have lower performance. Establish bi-weekly or monthly one-on-ones to meet with employees and discuss how they feel at work. Remember to also encourage employees to have an open dialogue with you and make them feel comfortable enough that they can tackle difficult conversations without fear of retribution or reprisal. Here are some suggested questions to ask:
- Are you happy?
- Do you feel engaged?
- Are there any issues that need to be resolved?
- As a manager/leader or organization, what should our organization start, stop or continue doing?
- Train – Training is crucial in every work environment, doesn’t manner the industry. Upper management cannot expect managers/leaders to know how to handle every situation. Therefore, upper management should train managers/leaders on how to:
- Have open discussions with employees
- Provide and receive feedback (to/from employees)
- Spot early signs of unhappiness or disengagement
- Identify if issues are fixable or not. For fixable issues, managers must provide solutions to fix them
- Implement a transition period. The transition period allows employees to start their job search, while still remaining employed and agreeing to not give in their leave notice or resignation letter.
To learn more about MASC Medical, and how we can help your healthcare organization – simply connect with one of our recruiters today!
Developing A Transition Program
Is Not Needed For Your Organization
This is true because there is much less of a risk to business continuity. However, we challenge you to consider analyzing:
- The Relationship between Managers/Leaders and Employees – In any organization it’s important to understand the relationship between managers/leaders and employees. At times, employers focus so much on the success of their company by keeping customers happy that they forget the employee/employer relationship. Simply ask yourself questions like:
- Do your employees “trust” your managers/leaders? If so:
- How often do they meet/communicate?
- Do they have an “open dialogue”?
- Can your managers/leaders identify issues early on? Do they have a strategy to tackle issues?
- How can your managers/leaders continue to build trust with employees?
- Do your employees disrespect and mistrust managers/leaders? If so:
- Can you identify the issues?
- Are your employees “burnt out”?
- How can managers/leaders build a strong/positive relationship with employees?
- Do your employees “trust” your managers/leaders? If so:
- Your Organizational Culture – An organizations “culture” is built from its beliefs, ideologies, principles and values. However, sometimes companies take a passive approach to culture, forgetting that the culture of an organization is what controls the way employees behave amongst themselves, colleagues, and managers/leaders. Consider asking yourself if:
- Your managers/leaders understand the functions and politics of your organization.
- Your organization is meeting managers/leaders and employees in the middle – in other words, does your organization provide good benefits, a positive work environment, a feeling of “belonging” etc.?
- Employees really understand the reason they were hired, and why they are the “best fit” for the role.
- Your organizational culture is creating loyal employees?
- Your organizational culture attracting and retaining talent?
Remember, simply because your organization doesn’t need a transition program, it doesn’t mean organizational culture, managers/leaders, and employees are not important. Part of your organizational culture is creating a positive environment that influences and brings everyone together – this is vital to the success of your business.
To learn more about MASC Medical, and how we can help your healthcare organization – simply connect with one of our recruiters today!